It is widely understood that traditional martial arts training is geared towards physically and aggressively training the individual to defend themselves against an aggressive or violent encounter, although this is indeed a major element of martial arts training, AKK-SKS believes that self-defense training goes beyond that of the orthodox physical techniques referred to as Hard Skills, that in fact there are many more unused tools that benefit beyond that of the aforementioned.
Life, in general, is a battle at different times, and at many levels, with situations arising that can and will distract, invalidate, stop you from achieving your goals or more importantly threaten your security and survival. To counter these threats and stops, the SKS philosophy is that of The Defensive Lifestyle Mindset, this mindset complements and enhances your martial training and is achieved through unique physical and mental techniques and approach to combative training.
This Defensive Lifestyle mindset marries two elements of self-defense, the physical Hard Skills and the mental Soft Skills, or mental constituents. These soft skills rapidly develop confidence within the individual giving them the psychological tools and techniques required to survive in our 21st century environments. Once acquired these combined skill sets enhance the martial artist, and enable individuals to rapidly evaluate and confidently make the right decisions in problem situations, with the added benefit of enabling the student to make confident proactive decisions outside of combat, causative decisions that can and will productively enhance their lives.